
Position Statements
As they arise nationally or regionally, CURB issues Position Statements on important issues affecting the criminal Justice system.
Please access our Archive of Position Statements to read titles such as "What Restorative Justice Is and Is NOT", “Stop Prison Sexual Abuse”, “The Plight Of Remanded Prisoners”, “Alternative Forms of Pre-Trial Release” and “Our Criminal Justice Wish List”.
Social Media
CURB publishes several Web Journals or Blogs which provide regular updates on the following issues in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean:-
2. prison abuse, and
3. human trafficking of adults and children.
We are also on Twitter. Many of our Tweets are in support of our efforts to combat crime, human trafficking, and all forms of violence against women and girls. Please follow us on Twitter.
We also maintain a Facebook profile as well as 2 Fan Pages on Facebook. One addresses counter human trafficking while the other focuses on ending male demand for commercial sex and eliminating violence against women and girls. Please interact with us on Facebook.