About Us

About Us
The Caribbean Umbrella Body for Restorative Behaviour (CURB) is the first and only Caribbean network of non-profit organisations working to assist and support criminal offenders, ex-offenders, crime survivors and their respective families.
Our Vision
Our vision is to bring together the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs) within the Caribbean to restore our Caribbean communities to wholeness through the implementation of a more restorative pattern of behaviour.
This includes activities such as visit those in prison, support and assist crime survivors, assist ex-prisoners to re-enter society safely, reduce rates of re-offending and encourage persons to establish a relationship with our Creator.
Our History
In early 2005, the leaders of 7 NGOs and entities engaged in prison ministry in Trinidad and Tobago established an umbrella organisation to provide institutional strengthening and foster greater networking.
CURB was registered as a non-profit organisation on 3rd May 2005 and embarked upon preliminary work in several areas of institutional strengthening for NGOs, networking and webpage development.
The organisation was launched during Restorative Justice Week in November, 2006 at Port of Spain, Trinidad with an historic Restorative Justice Exhibition.
Over the years, CURB has participated in annual Restorative Justice Week observances and has been an advocate for true restorative justice - one which meets the needs of crime survivors as well as offenders and the community.
In addition, CURB has engaged in combating the scourge of human trafficking in the Caribbean, assisting in the development of policy, legislation and capacity building of stakeholders in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. We have also been privileged to contribute to research and advocacy at a global level.
CURB also advocates for the end of critical social challenges such as violence against women, sexual exploitation and related behaviours. We explore come of the causal factors behind these behaviours and recommend solutions.